Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Nutritional Arrangements of Felix Domesticus

My cat is a truly bizarre creature. She has turned her nose up at bacon-wrapped fillets and fresh-caught salmon. She has absolutely no interest in baked goods from one of the best traditional French bakeries in the southeastern United States.

Her absolute and utter passion?

Stealing my son's Froot Loops. Not Wheaties. Not Cheerios. Not even the much venerated Star Wars cereal.

Only Froot Loops.

We don't encourage her to eat people food, of course. It's just that Jack is so out of it in the morning that she can just walk up to his bowl and start eating. There's no guile or deception to it. She'd be the most ham-fisted criminal in the history of the universe.

Luckily her mark isn't exactly a hard target before his coffee milk. He'll actually pet her for about half a minute before realizing she's stealing his breakfast.

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